Metemamen Microfinance Institute S.C.

  • Alemyahu's
  • Workinesh's
  • Aklilu's

Putting Clients First

  • Alemyahu's
  • Workinesh's
  • Abel's
  • Aklilu's

Putting Clients First


Number of Clients




The Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission (ESC/SADCO) in partnership with the Catholic Relief Service/Ethiopia (CRS) has undertaken a micro financing program in selected target areas in the country. Therefore, Metemamen Micro Finance Institution S.C (MMFI) had been established and licensed to operate nationwide by the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) under proclamation No 40/96 on February 6, 2002.

We first started operation in the Oromia National Regional State in the towns of Adama, AlemTena, Derra, Meki, Wonji Zeway and their surrounding areas in late April 2002.

Gradually we have expanded our operation to the capital city and three regional states SNNP, Amhara and Sidama. Now we have reached to 31 branches and 2 satellite offices in a number of hot business areas in the regions we dwell.

Gaining a versatile and invaluable experience in working in the major rural areas of the country we have also finalized to fully operate in three new sub city’s of Addis ababa. That will make our Addis branches to 8.

Agriculture is where we most focus and aspire to see a drastic change in the country and on the livelihood of those involved in it. Metemamen offers loans to help farmers get the financing they need to start, expand or maintain a family farm.
Metemamen takes pride in being a woman-lead woman enterprise. We conceived the dream of empowering women from the beginning and have remained committed to that goal to this day.
This loan aims to improve the socioeconomic status of clients by increasing the value of their property, which can generate income through rent, and by enhancing their standard of living and social standing through improved facilities.
Under this product, MMFI will finance any trading business, any short-term business deficit, fattening activities, the purchase or rental of materials and machinery, the completion of constructions, including living quarters, etc

Success Stories

Our Partners

Invest in your tomorrow today

At Metemamen, we are focused on providing you with the highest level of quality service and care. We understand the importance of taking extra steps to ensure that our clients feel valued and appreciated throughout their entire experience with us. Our mission is to create a vibrant, secure, and supportive environment for everyone who works with us. We believe that our commitment to putting the needs of our clients first sets us apart from other financial institutions and demonstrates our passion for helping them reach their financial goals.

Addis Ababa





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